孫運璿科技演講 Sun Yun-suan Technology Lecture

10/08 林奏延 新冠肺炎

October 8th CEO Lin Zyou-yien


From facebook of NTHU CTM


2019至202.的經濟很明顯地受到衝擊,尤其在旅遊相關產業,我們的生活型態也演變成像是在家上班、線上教學等等的模式;而我們社會經濟模型可能漸漸變成所謂的 K 型經濟,間接造成貧富差距越來越大,而這也是我們政府當前紓困條款需要注意的地方;再來則是FAAG 股價上漲了,但GDP卻下降。



From facebook of NTHU CTM

The society after the pandemic.

It is clearly that our economy was shocked by the virus while the tourism is the most serious one. Our life become a little bit different, such like we working at home, having class on the internet. As for our economic model would evolve to the K shape as the gap between wealthy and poor become wider. Hence, our government should pay attention to this key point. Then, there is a growth of FAAG stock but a down slope of GDP..

Consequently, Taiwan was rely on 80% of efforts and 20% fortunes to performance well in the first half battle of pandemic. We should remember the lesson of SARS in 2003 and exert the high quality of citizen manners to protect the country together.

After listening the lecture released by CEO Lin, it dawned on me that there are many people paid efforts to guard our hometown. Those daily life is so precious as we can go to school, have lunch in the restaurant and shop in the department store. The CEO Lin told us the second half battle still need us to help protect the country. Accordingly, we should follow the rule of the new life of epidemic prevention to wear masks well, wash hands frequently and keep 1.5 meter social distancing.



Christine Chao

我是大喬,目前就讀國立清華大學 —生活是用文字記錄每一次的成長與進步。 Christine in NTHU. My words record my life.